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4 Benefits of Telehealth

4 Benefits of Telehealth

Health issues related to menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause can happen to women and girls of all ages at any time. And with a higher risk than men of getting urinary tract infections, yeast infections, and other issues, sometimes it can be hard to get into the office for a visit when you need it most. 

If you have a pressing gynecological question but can't get to your provider, telehealth is a great solution. At her private practice in Santa Monica, California, Dr. Shamsah Amersi, MD, offers HIPAA-compliant telehealth medicine appointments so you can access critical services from your own home or office. 

Telehealth appointments let you receive the same high-quality care at the office without physically being with Dr. Amersi. Our OB/GYN telehealth services allow you to:

Though telehealth appointments may not be appropriate to treat or diagnose all conditions, it allows you to consult with Dr. Amersi so she can determine if you need to come to an in-person appointment. If you still need convincing, keep reading to learn the four excellent benefits of telehealth.

1. Reduces stress

Many people experience stress or anxiety when attending a healthcare appointment, even during a simple exam or routine checkup. Being stressed means you might need to remember questions you wanted to clarify, or you might blank on a concern you've been meaning to discuss. 

Telehealth lets you visit a place where you can stay relaxed and focused on your appointment and concerns. This means it's easier for you to get all your questions answered, improving your health and care. 

2. Saves you time

Dr. Amersi and her team know that life is busier than ever. If fitting in time for another appointment is overwhelming your schedule, telehealth may work better for you. You don't need to arrive early or spend time in a waiting room. You'll get a call at your scheduled time, giving you more flexibility. 

Your privacy is protected during your telehealth appointment so that you can speak to Dr. Amersi in full confidence. 

3. Avoids unnecessary commuting

Driving to and from appointments can be time-consuming and costly. Plus, not everyone has access to reliable transportation, so telehealth allows you to get the care you need no matter what. 

Choosing a telehealth appointment allows you to visit your provider from any location you choose, be that at home, in your office or car, or elsewhere.

4. Streamlined access to care

While some gynecological concerns or issues only require guidance or a simple prescription, others may need to be more straightforward. Dr. Amersi's telehealth services relieve stress from getting the care you need. 

And if you're worried about using insurance with telehealth, you can rest easy. Our team can take insurance information, secure online payment, and provide access to records with our telehealth software. 

If you want to learn more about our telehealth services, we're here to help. Contact us at Shamsah Amersi, MD, to learn more, or email to schedule a telehealth appointment today.


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