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Risk Factors for Recurrent UTIs

Risk Factors for Recurrent UTIs

Most women experience the uncomfortable symptoms of a urinary tract infection (UTI) at least once. These symptoms include burning, bloody urine, pain, and the frequent urge to urinate. Unfortunately, for 25% of women, these UTIs become a recurring part of their life. 

Board-certified OB/GYN Shamsah Amersi, MD, specializes in diagnosing and treating recurrent and one-time UTIs, among other gynecological services, at her private practice in Santa Monica, California. If you worry you may have recurrent UTIs, read on to learn about the risk factors and what you can do to treat them. 

What to know about UTIs

In more than 90% of cases, UTIs are caused by the bacteria Escherichia coli (E. coli). This bacteria is naturally found in your intestines but causes infection if it gets into your urinary system. Signs of UTIs include: 

Not only do UTIs cause painful and frustrating symptoms, but when they aren’t treated can spread to other organs and cause serious issues.

Risk factors for chronic UTIs

If you have two or more medically diagnosed UTIs in six months, you have recurrent or chronic UTIs. There are many reasons that women develop chronic urinary infections, but there are factors that increase your risk, such as:

Using vaginal douches, scented sanitary products, scented feminine washes, and not wiping from front to back after going to the toilet increases your risk of chronic UTIs. 

Preventing future UTIs

Fortunately, most UTIs are successfully treated with oral antibiotics. Sometimes, however, a short course (3-7 days) of antibiotics does not stop UTIs from coming back. 

If you have recurring UTIs, be sure to explain your symptoms to Dr. Amersi. She might recommend a low-dose, long-term (6-24 months) antibiotic treatment to break the UTI cycle you experience. She may also recommend taking a single-dose antibiotic every time you have sex. 

Key lifestyle changes are important, and Dr. Amersi explains how these changes help prevent UTIs in the future. These easy steps help reduce your risk of another infection:

You may also avoid certain birth control methods linked to recurrent UTIs, such as spermicides and condoms. 

MonaLisa Touch®

Occasionally, recurrent UTIs need to be treated with more than antibiotics. The MonaLisa Touch is a minimally invasive solution to urinary incontinence, vaginal burning and itching, and chronic vaginal infections. 

MonaLisa Touch uses laser heat, stimulating the natural production of elastin and collagen in your body. This gentle laser energy is painless but powerful, rejuvenating your vaginal tissues and triggering the skin in and around your vagina to rebuild.

If you are ready for relief from recurrent UTIs, it’s time to set up an appointment with Dr. Amersi. Book an appointment online, or give us a call today. 

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