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Why You Shouldn't Ignore Ongoing Vaginal Dryness

Vaginal dryness is a surprisingly common problem for many women. Data show about 20% of women in their 40s suffer from vaginal dryness, increasing to just over a third of women in their late 50s and 60s.

Unfortunately, many women don’t seek treatment for vaginal dryness, perhaps because they think it’s a natural part of aging that they need to learn to accept. But, vaginal dryness can — and should — be treated, and ignoring dryness could put you at risk of more serious issues, like inflammation and infection.

Shamsah Amersi, MD, helps women understand the causes of vaginal dryness, offering an array of treatment options focusing on balancing hormone levels and improving lubrication for better vaginal health. In this post, learn what causes vaginal dryness and why it’s so important to have your symptoms treated.

Vaginal dryness: Causes and symptoms

Commonly, vaginal dryness is a result of a decline in estrogen, an essential hormone that plays a significant role in maintaining vaginal lubrication, elasticity, thickness, and health. Many women experience vaginal dryness near menopause or during menopause when estrogen production declines dramatically and their periods have ended.

Other women experience dryness when estrogen levels fluctuate as a result of childbirth or breastfeeding or as a “side effect” of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), autoimmune conditions, or other medical issues. Medications, including some allergy and cold medicines, can cause vaginal dryness, along with many types of cancer treatments.

Vaginal dryness can cause a host of uncomfortable symptoms, including:

 While treatment can help relieve these symptoms, many women delay or avoid treatment, increasing their risks of complications.

Why treatment is important

Certainly, treating vaginal dryness is important for relieving painful irritation. Many women find their symptoms have a direct impact on their quality of life and their confidence, as well. By relieving discomfort, women can enjoy sex and even simple activities that once caused pain.

But discomfort and irritation are just two problems associated with vaginal dryness. Normal lubrication helps balance vaginal pH, promoting a germ-fighting environment that keeps your urinary tract healthy. Once that lubrication declines, the risk of infections can climb dramatically. Without treatment, chronic dryness increases the risk of bacterial vaginosis, yeast infections, and urinary tract infections (UTIs), which, in turn, can lead to serious kidney infections. 

Over time, untreated vaginal dryness can lead to urinary incontinence, an embarrassing condition that can be more difficult to treat. What’s more, vaginal dryness can be a symptom of a more serious underlying medical problem, like autoimmune diseases or diabetes. Having your symptoms evaluated also helps ensure you receive treatment for those disorders.

Bottom line: Vaginal dryness isn’t normal

The vagina is designed to be moist and lubricated. Ignoring dryness symptoms threatens your vaginal health and can lead to chronic pain, scarring, and other complications. Dr. Amersi offers simple, safe, effective solutions for vaginal dryness, including lubricants, hormone treatments, and laser therapy focused on improving your health.

If you have vaginal dryness or irritation, we can help. To learn more, request an appointment online or over the phone today with Dr. Amersi at her Santa Monica, California, office.

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