Urogenital Atrophy
Shamsah Amersi, MD
OB-GYN & Breast Cancer Assessment located in Santa Monica, CA
Vaginal dryness and urinary problems are symptoms of urogenital atrophy that often affect women during menopause. If you suffer from symptoms caused by this disorder, visit experienced OB/GYN Dr. Shamsah Amersi, MD, FACOG, in Santa Monica, California. She offers cutting-edge treatments, including estrogen replacement and laser rejuvenation to reverse atrophy. Call Dr. Amersi’s office or request a consultation via the online booking form today for specialized urogenital atrophy diagnosis and treatment.
What is urogenital atrophy?
Urogenital atrophy involves changes to your vagina and urethra (the tube down which urine passes from your bladder when you urinate).
Urogenital atrophy symptoms include:
- Vaginal dryness
- Painful sex
- Vaginal itching
- Recurrent urinary tract infections
- Vaginal irritation
- Urinary frequency and/or urgency
- Urinary incontinence
- Pale, thin vaginal skin
- Vaginal narrowing or shortening
These symptoms can be highly distressing and severely impact your everyday life and intimate relationships.
What causes urogenital atrophy?
Urogenital atrophy is due to declining estrogen levels. Estrogen is a sex hormone that regulates menstruation and keeps your vaginal tissues plump and lubricated. While hormone changes can affect younger women, for example, after childbirth, the most frequent trigger is menopause.
Perimenopause begins as you approach middle age. Your periods become unpredictable and eventually stop altogether, at which point you enter menopause. Perimenopause symptoms develop when estrogen levels fall, a natural process signifying the end of a woman’s ability to reproduce.
Common perimenopause problems include hot flashes, night sweats, fatigue, and mood swings. Many women — including those who don’t experience other issues — suffer from vaginal or urogenital atrophy, where the tissues lose plumpness and lubrication.
What treatments help with urogenital atrophy?
One of the most effective urogenital atrophy treatments is low-dose vaginal estrogen replacement. Dr. Amersi offers this topical estrogen as a cream, suppository, or intravaginal ring.
Low-dose vaginal estrogen replacement isn’t the same as hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Rather than having HRT’s widespread effects on everything from hot flashes to preventing bone density loss, low-dose vaginal estrogen treatments target only the vaginal and vulval areas.
Applying estrogen directly to the affected tissues reverses the effects of hormone loss, resolving your symptoms. Other treatments that can help with urogenital atrophy include:
- Using lubricants during sex
- Physical therapy
- Weight loss
- Vaginal laser rejuvenation
Dr. Amersi uses the MonaLisa Touch® laser system to revitalize vaginal tissue. MonaLisa Touch is a noninvasive, virtually painless treatment that rehydrates the vagina walls and stimulates collagen production.
Collagen is a protein that gives soft tissues their plumpness. Your body makes plenty when you’re young, but aging and menopause reduce production. Increased collagen levels can reverse urogenital atrophy, making vaginal laser rejuvenation an excellent option for women who don’t wish to (or can’t) use hormone treatments.
Call Dr. Amersi’s office for expert help with urogenital atrophy, or request an appointment online today.
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