Well-Woman Exam
Shamsah Amersi, MD
OB-GYN & Breast Cancer Assessment located in Santa Monica, CA
When you need a well-woman exam, Dr. Shamsah Amersi, MD, FACOG, can provide the women's health services you need to keep you healthy. At her practice in Santa Monica, California, Dr. Amersi provides patient-centered care you can trust. Call the office to learn more about well-woman exams, or request an appointment online today.
What is a well-woman exam?
A well-woman exam is a medical appointment to check on your reproductive wellness and general health. All women need well-woman exams, so whether you’re planning a family or starting menopause, Dr. Amersi can help. Your well-woman exam typically includes a pelvic exam, a breast exam, and a general physical exam.
Although a well-woman exam is definitely a chance to get help for any health issues you’re currently dealing with, it’s largely preventive in nature. In many cases, a well-woman exam is the first opportunity to learn about changes in your body that you may be unaware of, like uterine fibroids, that may require treatment.
If you’re due for any testing, it’s included as part of your well-woman exam. Most women have a Pap smear, a cervical cancer screening, during their well-woman exam. You may also need other preventive care like the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination or sexually transmitted disease (STD) testing.
You can also discuss birth control and family planning during well-woman exams. You can make changes to your birth control, discuss conception and pregnancy, and get all the information you need to stay healthy.
What is the right age to begin well-woman exams?
Dr. Amersi welcomes girls starting at age 14. Adolescence is a time of dramatic and often confusing body changes, which is why having board-certified female physicians with a compassionate and gentle approach can make all the difference.
Girls can discuss their period, sex lives, birth control, and their changing bodies with a doctor who really cares. This helps set the stage for a trusting doctor-patient relationship girls can rely on at every stage of their life.
Dr. Amersi always tailors well-woman exams for each individual patient’s needs, including their age. For example, young girls might have a basic physical but not a pelvic exam until they’re older.
What happens if my well-woman exam uncovers health problems?
If your well-woman exam uncovers problems or possible issues, Dr. Amersi can perform urine and blood tests, ultrasound imaging, and other tests on-site to determine what’s causing the problem. Then, you can start a personalized treatment plan to meet your particular needs.
Dr. Amersi customizes well-woman exams for you, so you shouldn't hesitate to get the care you need. Reach out by phone or through the online scheduler to inquire about our Holistic Gynecology services today.
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